We make connections that make a difference.

Our mission is to strengthen and support LA's non-profits and promote understanding between LA's disparate communities through social action. We help build the mutually-beneficial relationship between individuals, families and youth, and social impact organizations in our City of Angels. We do this through three main directives:

  • Direct Service Engagements  

  • Perspective Expanding Programming 

  • Advisory Services: Philanthropy & CSR Projects 

direct service engagements

We believe in face-to-face, hands in the dirt, heart on the sleeve service-learning experiences. Our direct service engagements are about digging deep and pitching in whenever and however you can; whatever your schedule and appetite, we have an awesome opportunity with your name on it:

  • Ama-LA Day of Service - we organize community service days multiple times a month with some of the city's most inspiring social enterprises and non-profits. Sign-up to our monthly newsletter for upcoming opportunities 

  • Ama-LA Depth Experiences - with our non-profit partners, we create multi-day and week-long service-learning & "bubble-busting" experiences. These range in length, intensity, and audience: from adult/young-adult overnight "street retreats" on the realities of homelessness, to a multi-day intensive volunteership at the Mexican-American border to explore the truth of America's refugee crisis, to week-long volunteer opportunities where youths and families can make deeper connections with the differently abled and the many other underserved communities within our city.

    • **All of our Depth Experiences also provide integration activities in order to help kids and adults process the sometimes intense emotion, confusion, and life-contrasts that show up as a result of these engagements. Understanding and being able to integrate these experiences into our view of ourselves and the world is as important as having the experience. 

  • Ama-LA Legacy Projects - our long-term projects spring from deep listening and engagement with underserved communities and the non-profits that seek to meet their needs. Our non-profits have big dreams for what the future could look like and we want to help them make their dreams a reality through sustained, committed relationships and resourcing. We are in it for the long haul. 

Heart & Conscience Event Series

We offer a variety of events and activities curated to challenge views, open minds, and warm hearts. These events will focus on a few core subject areas: 

  • Inclusivity, diversity, and understanding the "other" 

    • Living LA realities  

    • Gender

  • Social action, civic responsibility and igniting the youth activist

  • Caring for ourselves, our communities and our planet

Documentaries and discussion groups, author readings and panels, political speakers and debates, passionate activists and performers all brought to your doorstep - all you have to do is show up, get connected and be inspired! 

advisory services: philanthropy & CSR

The social enterprise arm of Ama-LA works with individuals, families, estates, corporations, collectives and entire communities to help them discover and connect to the causes that tug at their heartstrings. 

  • Have a community improvement project that needs an infusion of energy and resources? We are here to pitch in and connect you to our network of Incredibles!

  • Working on a family legacy project that needs a little extra love? We've got the love, the care and the partners to help you make a lasting impact.   

  • Want to create a one of a kind service-learning, "bubble-busting" experience or CSR speaker series for your employees? We've got the ideas, the energy, and the connections to help you take your corporate commitment to the next level.

Contact hello@AMA-la.org today for more information on how we can help you take your social impact to the next level!